Tuesday, September 18, 2012

20 weeks and crafting....I mean counting

It happened. I turned into one of those. The ultrasound pic sharing mom-to-be. Hey, it’s a happy, albeit, terrifying time for me and Nate….and really, who doesn’t want to see a picture of my baby filled uterus, right?  Don’t answer that.

Our 18-week ultrasound was 2 weeks ago and according to the doctor, everything is checking out just fine.  Now I just have to trust the man. We also received word that the 1st & 2nd trimester screening results came back normal, which indicates that the risk for chromosomal abnormalities is pretty low. I haven’t seen the test results myself, but again, I just have to put my faith in the dude who is currently on vacation for like 4 weeks. OB’s go on vacation? But for why? What if their patient has a baby during that time or something? 

I’m scheduled for appointments every 2 weeks now because of my blood pressure, so I get to meet a new doctor this Thursday while he’s out. This could be fun. This one’s not going to see the crazy coming…unless my OB gave her a head’s up that I’m THAT person who constantly, through multiple modes of communication  (in person, on the phone, by email, bat signal, mental telepathy),  asks about the competence of my cervix and the location of my placenta in relation to my cervix (still competent and still riding high, respectively) .

So now  it’s time to get my mind off of all the worst case scenarios. I’ve been driving down Crazy Lane for far too long now. Speaking of driving, does anyone need a new car? Like a 1-month old Volvo kind of car? If you are totally ok with getting about 17 miles to the gallon and could give a shit about the rising cost of gasoline prices, then this vehicle is for you.  Call me…maybe?

Anyway, to keep my mind out of very dark places, I have decided that I want to get good at crafting….I want to be THAT person who makes my own coffee table out of milk cartons, cereal boxes, and broken seashells. I want to plaster my walls with canvas word art that incorporates multiple photos of my baby filled uterus. I want to become a DIY superstar even though I get really pissed with DIY fools because I don’t understand where the hell they get the time OR money to do things themselves in the first place.   I want to create a masterpiece! Never mind that I’m somewhat limited in creativity when it comes to art. And who cares if I lack the tools, skills, and motivation to make this a successful undertaking? It’s good for my brain! And what’s good for my brain, will be good for my Bean.

I’ve done a few things…see? I made this a few months ago out of a tea canister. It's a pen holder!

Now it’s a fake flower/pen holder!  Ahhh, the form…the function…the  versatility!

More to come, folks. More to come.You can blame it all on Pinterest. Oh, and Etsy, too.