Monday, March 30, 2015

Happy anniversary to the worst buffet partner ever!

Today is me and Nate’s anniversary, so of course I looked at that as an opportunity to celebrate all weekend. Hey, I’ve been pretty good about cooling it with the “let’s celebrate by eating my weight in cupcakes” mentality since I started working out semi-regularly. Considering that in the past, just waking up in the morning and breathing earned the sweet, sweet reward of a hot fudge shake and some tater tots from Sonic Burger, I’m doing pretty good keeping the food demons at bay….for the most part.

I love you. I need you. I want you. Always. Forever.

Now, if you know me and Nate, you can already guess that we have vastly different ideas of what “celebrating” actually means.  He proposed a mountain biking trip - I proposed an all-you-can-eat venue. And while we do always manage to meet somewhere in the middle (he mountain biked while I karate chopped gnats and folded origami cranes under the shade of an old oak tree; he simply ate while I all-I-can-ate), there are those moments where I question, WHO AM I MARRYING?

I don't know this man, but we share the same facial expression(s).

We started off our Saturday with a workout that kicked the absolute crap out of us. We pushed and pulled sleds, sledge hammered tires, monkeybarred (well, not me, as I have trouble flinging my bodyweight across a row of little metal bars), crawled, and rowed for an hour at Redefining Strength (the BEST gym ever). It was the perfect way to start the weekend as I’d been out the last 2 weeks due to a very busy work schedule and a bad knee. 

I kneed cake

The thing about starting the day off right is that I’m more apt to stay on track. BUT again, this being our anniversary weekend, I figured a treat was in order. 

Say hello to my little friend

I blame the wait in line (30 minutes!) and the rising cost of buffet prices for the debacle that came next (my first choice was Greenfield in Long Beach, a Brazilian churrascaria that now costs $38/per person WTF) . Oh, and the food addiction – there’s that to blame, as well. 

See, how it works at Sake 2 Me Sushi is that they give you a slip of paper that allows you to select the number of sushi pieces or rolls you want. You can do this over and over again! BUT – you do have to wait until they bring everything to you before you even see that form again.  I’m guessing that they figure a normal person will eat the first round and be judicious in their consideration of how much to order for the next -  but I’m not normal and I ordered double of everything before even digging into what they’d just brought….because obviously, I NEED THAT MUCH SUSHI IN MY LIFE.

Alas, I forgot I was with someone who is notorious for being bad at eating all that one can. Whenever we go to a Vegas buffet, he gets up at least  6 or 7 times, but only to shake his legs or refill his tiny anthill of peas and olives, slices of tomatoes, and strange cubes of cheese.  Trying to live up to my reputation as the #1 choice for team captain of no less than 5 all-you-can-eat crews,  I grossly miscalculated the number of pieces to order and ended up with approximately 50 pieces of sushi and rolls for the second round.

I was too embarrassed to take a picture.

With a look that I can only describe as a mix of disbelief and a hint of defiance, my best half dramatically cried “What have you done? You’re on your own!” to which I - even MORE dramatically replied -  “Then get ready to spend the next 6 hours here because we are not paying for leftovers!”  Well, homie refused to help, and over an hour later, we left with what little dignity I had left, an intense hatred of raw fish, and the lingering odor of soy sauce that has not abated after 2 full days in the shower.

I will never eat sushi again.

Since we are inordinately compatible, however, we made nice and ended the weekend with a mix of mountain biking, running, and all kinds of bad things like bread pudding, chocolate chip frappuccinos, the latest happy birthday frap from Starbucks, and chicken wings.

Happy birthday, Starbucks!!!

And far sweeter than any milkshake in the creation of the world – while riding out to show me a pretty spot at the wilderness park, he made sure to clear the path ahead of me so I wouldn’t crash and hurt my other knee. Then he bought me pancakes.

That’s who I’m marrying.

 Still suck at the selfie game tho