Thursday, October 8, 2015

Snap back to reality...oh, there goes gravity.

When I was a little girl, I was really into gymnastics. Like, super into gymnastics. The TV movie “Nadia” was my jam and I memorized every single scene from start to finish, wearing out that Beta tape the same way I would eventually wear out my cassette single of “Please Don’t Go Girl” by New Kids on the Block a few years later.
I'm not going anywhere, Joey McIntyre!
I’m still super into gymnastics, and in my head it’s Cold War times and I’m able to do one-handed cartwheels and round off back hand springs like whoa…or как стоп, as they say in Russian Google.
Girl, do not drink the bleach! Do not drink drank the bleach.
Side note: I have never again attempted a back hand spring since the time I nearly broke my hip springing every which way but “back” into our swimming pool.
Alas, reality is so very, very different than the moving picture show playing in my mind to a Montell Jordan/Eminem soundtrack. And as usual, a part of me has paid the price for this particular type of lunacy. No – not my ego like the time I bent myself backwards over the edge of the sofa to see how far I could go and the whole damn thing came crashing down on top of me because it was NOT about that bass. Nope. I sprained my ankle while doing a military style exercise…aka running.
Oh, body – falling apart in so many ways. Keep on keepin’ it real!
Reality is hard, and the month of October always seems to bring that fact into laser sharp focus.
Life has been fast and furious, and in less than a week it will be three years since we had, and lost, Ligaya. It’s hard not to feel cheated by whoever or whatever is keeping the universe in check.  It’s hard not to be angry at God, yet at the same time bow my head and beg for another blessing. It’s hard not to ask that she just be allowed to come back.
It’s. Just. Hard.
I say this every year - that the passage of time doesn’t make it easier.  I’ve just learned how to adapt to this new normal… manage it… bend without breaking. Keep on living. That’s some real-life gymnastics right there.  
This is how we do it.
Please. Be gentle with me this month if you see me coming your way. I may think of myself as a more rotund, Filipino version of Ronda Rousey crushing that mountain of grief beneath the heel of my temporary ankle boot (here we go again with the distorted view of my (in)abilities), but I’m just a mom  who is missing her baby girl very, very much.
That is my reality.
Love, Light and Ligaya - CS