Monday, May 21, 2012

You can call me Hulk - as in Incredible, not Hogan

If I were to ask some of my girlfriends which fantasy characters they most closely identified with, I’m sure I would get the whole Disney princess line or some feisty heroine who saves the day without compromising her femininity or virginity (bwaha…ha).

Now, me? I’m David Banner.  Quiet, unassuming, mild mannered – UNTIL you irritate me. Then it’s stand-back-because-I’m-about-to-bust-out-of-my-clothes-and-smash-the-building-to-pieces time ala Incredible Hulk (Incredible Bulk, maybe). Does this mean I fancy myself a brilliant nuclear scientist on the run? No…nuclear science sounds hard. Do I really want to be a semi-nude green monster running around in ripped purple pants? Well sure, sometimes. Does this mean I have some anger management issues? Probably…but are you really going to call me out on that? Try it. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.

Anyway, now that I've outed myself as being completely mental, I want to show you a picture of my latest office knick-knack, courtesy of the best assistant in the known and Marvel universe, MD. Because we worked so closely together, she recognized, understood, and accepted the crazy in me, which is how she knew to give me this:

And this:

Without MD to keep me sane during one of the busiest hiring periods of all time, I surely would have destroyed more things than this pen and pencil:

So to honor MD on her last day of work this past Thursday, we threw her a really nice, but depressing, going away party (due to the sorry state of fiscal affairs at this joint, we couldn't keep her).

Since she's a major fan of THE Force, I made these vanilla cupcakes:

And these chocolate ones too, because what's Star Wars without the Dark Side?

And how could I NOT include these little guys? Although once you gnawed off Yoda's ears, he looked scary as hell.
Recipes for green tea and chocolate cookies can be found here: 

Now, these non-Star Wars related chocolate chip walnut cookies are just thrown in here for fun because I made them but didn't share with anyone else, which is off topic:
                                          Recipe for this can only be found in my Hulk head:

I’m particularly enamored with Yoda and Darth, though. See? I made them friends:

If only life were that easy.

Ah well, another party tomorrow - a happy one! I haven't decided what to make yet, but the celebrant is more Boba Tea than Boba Fett,  so I'll have to put my new baking toys away.

Oh, and just a note for future reference....when in the presence of a true Star Wars fan, do NOT, under any circumstance, call the Millennium Falcon a "jet plane that they all fly around in". 


Anonymous said...

It's ok, ER thought Green Lantern & Green Hornet were the same.

Keedee said...

You're so Wonderfully Weird. It's a big part of why I love you!

Shesingsandbakesandtypesrealfast said...

Poor ER - even I knew that one. Ryan Reynolds and Seth Rogen look nothing alike!

Shesingsandbakesandtypesrealfast said...

Haha I'm glad you like my weirdness, Lyn! Love you too!